Celebrating our Graduates, at last, in person.
On May 20th 2022, we celebrated the graduation of MA, MDiv and STM Buddhist and BIE students. As this was the first in person graduation in two years, we also welcomed back graduates of 2020 and 2021.

What is it to Go Forth in 2022?
On May 19th of 2022, our Buddhist Collective and the Department leaders of the BIE program hosted a special ritual of Going Forth for our Buddhist grads. This was a more intimate and contemplative ritual than the thunderously joyful ceremony that would follow. Read out account of this joyful and tender moment.

Dharma Talk in Honor of Thay.
On March 9th 2022, the Buddhist Community of Union Theological Seminary held a memorial services in honor of the recently passed Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh. Rev. Kosen Greg Snyder offered a Dharma talk on this special occasion. He kindly accepted to share his talk here.