We are powered by mutuality and generosity.
We invite you to consider making a contribution to Union Theological Seminary in support of the The Thích Nhất Hạnh Program for Engaged Buddhism (TNHEB) and the Buddhism & Inter-religious Engagement (BIE) program. The small but mighty team that has made all things Buddhist possible at Union depends on our material generosity. In supporting Union Theological to continue to foster a vibrant context for the study of Buddhism and Buddhist social ethics, you will be contributing to the formation tomorrow’s Buddhist chaplains and Buddhist community leaders. Thank you.
Let’s build the future together!
History is happening here. The future of Buddhism is unfolding in many places, and there is no doubt that Union is one of them.
We are actively seeking benefactors inspired to grow the Thích Nhất Hạnh Program for Engaged Buddhism and the Buddhism and Interreligious Studies program.
If you would like to make a large donation to create a Professorship, or create a scholarship for Dalit and BIPOC Buddhist students, please get in touch.
Learn more about The Thích Nhất Hạnh Program for Engaged Buddhism and the Buddhism and Inter-religious Studies program at Union Theological Seminary.